Letʼs make a story

Typ aktivity:   mobilita pracovníků s mládeží

Příjemce:   SVČ Ivančice

Registrační číslo:   2021-1-CZ01-KA153-YOU-000008629

Datum zahájení:   01.09.2021

Datum ukončení:   01.03.2023

Výše dotace:   52.191 Euro


Partneři projektu/Project partners: Tegyünk Együtt az Ifjúságért Alapítvány - Maďarsko/Hungary, 3D Friends - Lotyšsko/Latvia, Yeghvard youth ecological NGO - Arménie/Armenia, CENTER FOR EUROINITIATIVES - Ukrajina/Ukraine, TDM 2000 ODV - Itálie/Italy, Chance - Bildung, Jugend und Sport BJS gGmbH - Německo/Germany, HELLAS FOR US ASTIKI MI KERDOSKOPIKI MI KYBERNITIKI ETERIA - Řecko/Greece, International Foundation for Y-PEER Development - Bulharsko/Bulgaria, NEOLEA GIA ANTALAGI KAI KATANOISI - Kypr/Cyprus, YOUTH FOR THE WORLD NON-ENTREPREUNARIAL (NON-COMMERCIAL) - Gruzie/Georgia


Jak vzniká komiks?

Mezinárodní školící kurz Let´s make a story, který zahrnoval 2 části, se konal na začátku listopadu 2022 a února 2023 v Ivančicích. Pracovníci s mládeží, učitelé i studenti vysláni zahraničními partnerskými organizacemi se na Horizontu vzdělávali v tvorbě komiksů. Účastníci se během prvních 7 dnů naučili, jak vytvořit příběh a jak tento příběh namalovat ve formě komiksu. Každý z přítomných si zkoušel vytvořit návrh vlastního komiksu na společenské nebo i vzdělávací téma.

Ve druhé části účastníci vytvářeli komiksy a skrze ně pak vyprávěli příběhy na témata Kde je domov? Erasmus+ otevírá dveře, Vyber si být superstar, Srdce zná cestu, ... Naučili se tedy používat komiksy jako kreativní nástroj a v závěru kurzu pak své výtvory předvedli místní veřejnosti.

Ve volném čase pak účastníci navštívili Slovanskou epopej v Moravském Krumlově i město Brno. Nechyběly ani interkulturní večery, kde si společně pochutnali na dobrotách z dané země a poznali jinou kulturu a různé zajímavosti.

Účastníci z Itálie, Gruzie, Německa, Řecka a dalších zemí byli hostováni Střediskem volného času Ivančice. Školící kurz byl podpořen a spolufinancován evropským programem Erasmus+.

Markéta Chmelíčková, koordinátor projektu


How to create a comics?

The international training course Let's make a story, which included 2 parts, took place at the beginning of November 2022 and February 2023 in Ivančice in the Czech Republic. Youth workers, teachers and students sent by foreign partner organizations, were trained in the creation of comics at Horizont. During the first 7 days, the participants learned how to create a story and how to paint that story in the form of a comic book. Each of those present tried to create their own comic on a social or educational topic.

In the second part, the participants created comic books and through them told stories on the topic Where is home? Erasmus+ opens doors, Choose to be a superstar, The heart knows the way... So they learned to use comics as a creative tool and at the end of the course they showed their creations to the local public.

In their free time, the participants visited the Slavic Epic in Moravský Krumlov and the city of Brno. There were also intercultural evenings, where participants enjoyed delicacies from the countries and got to know other cultures.

Participants from Italy, Georgia, Germany, Greece and other countries were hosted by Středisko volného času Ivančice. The training course was supported and co-financed by the European program Erasmus+.

Markéta Chmelíčková, project coordinator


I would like to express my gratitude for this project! This was my first Erasmus+ project and I didn’t expect anything, but everything was very cool. During the project, I met new people, learned a lot of new things, especially about the Erasmus+ project itself, got acquainted and plunged into the Czech culture. Everything was organized, the team was responsive and all people were ready to help each other, I also got to know other cultures (was special culture even for this) which is very interesting and nice that we have something in common. Also, special thanks to Marketa, Aneta and the chef. It was very tasty and it was a lot! I couldn’t resist of anything thank you for such hospitality, care and attention. You opened new chapter in me. I haven’t been in Czech Republic as well, but I could say to you that Ivancice has special space in me.

Nurzat, participant from Italy


I am Mariam Melyan from Armenia, who took part in training course “Lets make a story” which took place in Ivancice, CZ, within the period 31 January-8 February, 2023. First of all I would like to express my gratefulness to SVC Ivancice, to all organizers, staff for their kind, helpful arrangement and welcome, they did everything for us to feel like we are at home, for the beautiful place we lived, for the tasty food we tried, and for their kind attitude to all participants. I am also grateful to professional trainers who helped us in this topic to learn something new, also all participants for great moments and best memories. The program was aimed to help participants to create and tell our stories with the help of comicses, we learned how to use comics as a creative tool and exibit our stories to our audience.  I was sure that the knowledge gained during this training will offer unbeatable prospects and will serve a most solid background for my career. and for my everyday work. The program was very intensive, innovative, with different teambuilding exercises, productive master classes, informative and practical workshops. I am not only got and shared excellent practice and knowledge but also got fun with other participants, admiring the beauty of Czech Republic and cultural exchange. I brought with me great experience, unforgettable memories, good friends and new knowledge, being sure that I can use all new gained information and practice in my country for my community.

Mariam, participant from Armenia


The program was well-planned and designed. The trainers were very professional and friendly. They made drawing easy. We learned many new things. The venue was beautiful and the accomodation was good. We had huge foods. The schedule was flexible. We had excellent opportunity to move around the towns and enjoy and explore beautiful landskape and culture. The fellow trainees were very friendly. The organizers especially Marketa and Aneta were very helpful. I also want to mention the persons delivering foods in the dining. They were very friendly and alwas took care of our choices to make us happy with food.

Thank you very much.

Md Sohel Parvez, participant from Hungary





... friendly learning environment, a way from a simple task to a comlicated meaningful final project, kindness, understanding, ...

... many practical examples, not only in drawing and making stories, but in teaching, learning, team building, ...

... the overall training programme was well-prepared and excellent, I liked the atmosphere and the vibe of the group I was working with, ...

... I got deeper in storytelling methods, undrestood how I can use it to inspire and help my students and team to simplyfy the info, I can draw everything, thank you for inspiration, ...

... connecting with others, enjoying and spending time with new people, learning in enjoyable in any way, ...

... inspiration to draw more, inspiration for NGO work , other findings: everyone can draw, teamwork is everything, people create the atmosphere of this training, ...

... it was great how much time we dedicated to creativity and drawing, the environment was really friendly and pleasant, ...

... I learnt how to make a story, to make it in a correct way with right sequences, ...

... we had a lot of practice, we drew a lot, this inspired me to draw even more to improve skills, I learned about the basic points, thanks to which I was able to draw my own comic, ...

... you can do anything, just focus on it, ...

... I have much knowledge and skills about it, ...

... no matter how different we are, we can always cooperate and create beautiful things, ...

... I learned how to structure a story you want to show or tell as well as the basics of making a comic, ...

... useful practical tools, we can use in education, ...

... comics are a very strong tool of storytelling, ...

... now I can visualize what I want to tell in a simple way, ...





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